Featured Artist


Kay Walsh

Kay Walsh
Sample Work

Use what talents you have: the woods would have little music if no birds sang their song except those who sang best. --Reverend Oliver G. Wilson An in-depth fascination with painting began while in college and further stimulated during a productive career in Graphic Design. Combining unusual ideas to develop concepts with various materials and techniques has always been intuitive. Mark making, layering, pictorial depth and at times collage, are tools that develop an abstract narrative for the viewer to seek and enable a personal connection. A constant investigation, curiosity and humor serve as the foundation for my work…allowing for imagination and inspiration to thrive. My intention is to communicate and share an inspirational mood with the viewer. Exploration is always unsuccessful and successful at the same time. It doesn’t take much…to lift the heart while creating moments of magic that nurture the soul.

Presently, I am painting in Artblitz Studios in Sterling, Virginia with a community of artists that are passionate about their work. We often gather together and challenge ourselves with exercises that nurture our growth as abstract artists. We all participate and support the TFAA and Torpedo FactoryArt League and classes in Alexandria and the Mosaic Gallery in Northern, Virginia. My artwork is a deep connection with an inner drive to create artwork to share with my viewers. I savor learning ,experimenting and working daily to create. I am a hopeful and try to portray the harmony in life through my abstract works.

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